Reservation-Paint & Pour Candle Pour Event

  • $ 25.00
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Designed with fun in mind, you will get to custom make your very own candle & paint your choice of door hanger, birdhouse, and more! Vessel upgrades available at the event. This will be an adult event (age 16 and up).

1. This is NOT a detailed "how-to" class, but instead an opportunity to custom make your own candle. We do educate you on candle safety.
2. This is open to persons age 16 and older.
3. Non-refundable deposit guarantees your spot. If you cannot attend, we will gladly reschedule you for another event.
4. Event will start promptly and attendees later than 15 minutes will have to reschedule.
5. Must have paid deposit to attend. No observers, please.

Things to Know:

*$25 Ticket price includes a) half-pint mason jar vessel, b) door hanger or decor for decorating, c)light refreshments, d) 10% discount on regular priced items in-store during the event

*$30+ Ticket price includes a) upgraded vessel, b) door hanger or decor for decorating, c) light refreshments, d) 10% discount on regular priced items in-store during the event

* Seating is on a backless barstool. We're happy to make accommodations, just let us know prior to the event.

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: If we have to cancel the event, we will offer you a refund of your deposit or gladly reschedule for a future date.